
Thank you to our Volunteers

It was Volunteers Week this month and we enjoyed a lovely cuppa and slice of cake with our wonderful team to say a big thank you.  Organisations like the Foodbank just wouldn’t work if it wasn’t for the kind people who give their time each week and the kind people in the community who donate […]

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We’ll be at ASDA this weekend

Hello everyone, some of our lovely volunteers will be at ASDA this weekend (Friday/Saturday) inviting shoppers to purchase an item for the Foodbank whilst they are shopping.  Don’t hesitate to stop and say hello – it’s always a pleasure to be greeted by a shopper with a smile.

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Foodbank Allotment

We are very excited that the season’s first produce from our Foodbank allotment has just arrived.  Nothing beats the fresh fruit and veg grown by our wonderful green fingered volunteers.  Last year our Foodbank clients enjoyed a whole range of produce from tomatoes, kale, rhubarb, carrots and potatoes just to name a few. It’s so […]

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New: Foodbank Supporters page

We are so grateful for all the fantastic donations that we receive from lovely people all across Cheltenham and so we have added a new ‘Foodbank Supporters’ page in our Give Help section to say thank you to those who donate.  We will regularly update the page so please check it out to see which […]

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See you at the Supermarket…..

Some of our volunteer team will be at Waitrose on Weds 20th March and then at Tesco’s on Thu 21st, Fri 22nd and Sat 23rd March, handing out our shopping lists to supermarket customers.  The idea is that, if at all possible, the customer adds an item from our shopping list to their shopping and […]

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A lovely birthday party donation for the Foodbank

We have just received an absolutely lovely donation from a young lad.  He was having a birthday party to celebrate his 9th birthday and asked his friends to bring donations for the Foodbank instead of presents.  What a wonderfully kind idea.  We were extremely grateful and really enjoyed showing him and his family around the Foodbank […]

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Supermarket collections

Thank you to all the wonderful shoppers at Asda last Saturday who donated items to the Foodbank.  Our dedicated volunteers handed out shopping lists as shoppers entered the store and so many shoppers kindly bought items from our list to donate – THANK YOU. But don’t worry – you haven’t missed the opportunity to do […]

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BankTheFood app

Hi – did you know there was an App (there’s an App for everything right?!) that will alert you when you shop at one of the local supermarkets where we collect, as to what items are on our Most Needed list? Amazing huh? If you download ‘BankTheFood’ – the QR code below will take you […]

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Thank you for setting up Food Donation boxes….

Thank you to the following organisations who are setting up Food Donation Boxes for Cheltenham Foodbank: Tivoli Chiropractors Cheltenham Ladies College Cheltenham Square Dancing Club Plenty of boxes and posters still available for anyone else who thinks they have a small space for a Collection Box 🙂 Contact us on 01242 570080 and we will […]

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A shout out to any organisation….

We are offering an opportunity for you to help us collect food, with nothing required on your part except a little bit of space…. We will supply a collection box for food, with a poster (like the below) and we will regularly come and empty the box too.  If you have room in a reception, […]

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