
Happy New Year

31st December 2023

Hello, we at Cheltenham Foodbanks wish you all a very happy new year, may 2024 be all you hope for.

A massive thank you to everyone who donated over the period up to Christmas – it was fantastic.  So many kind and thoughtful donations from schools, churches, youth groups as well as individuals, families, groups of friends and work groups.  We also appreciate and are grateful to all those people who donate items at the supermarkets when they are shopping as well.

We genuinely wouldn’t be able to run without all that you do – THANK YOU.

Rather more soberingly though, we have sadly been extremely busy through December with a record number of clients needing to visit all of our Cheltenham Foodbanks.  It doesn’t feel like 2024 is going to be any easier for many.

As we start the New Year, and perhaps you are looking at your cupboards containing food products bought for the festive period and not used – as long as they are still in date, we will gladly find an appreciative home for them.  Could you collect a boxful of such items in your workplace?  We’ll come and collect it if it helps…..


Thank you and here’s to a good 2024 for all of us.


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