Posts in: News
4 Dec 20
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Welcome one and all to the fourth edition of our monthly Newsletter. This is where you can find all of the latest and upcoming news from in and around Cheltenham Foodbank. VOLUNTEERS As always, we want to say a huge thank you to all of our valued volunteers. Your commitment and dedication has remained constant […]
26 Oct 18
BIG THANK YOU!! for all Harvest Festival donations
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A Big Thank you to all the Churches, Schools, Nurseries and everyone else who has donated to the Foodbank for the Harvest festival. THANK YOU!!
21 Jun 18
Foodbanks under pressure during school summer holidays
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Foodbanks will be under increasing pressure during the summer months as families that normally rely on free school dinners have to find food for their families during the 6 week summer holidays
5 Oct 17
UHT Milk Urgently Required
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Cheltenham Foodbank is in urgent need of UHT Milk. We will also accept powdered milk.
17 Aug 17
New Urgent List
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We have updated the list of items urgently required. Any item you can donate will greatly help the people we serve. Please click the link below for all details. Thank you for your continued support. Donate food
24 Mar 17
Items Required For Foodbank
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The following items are urgently needed for Cheltenham Foodbank: Cup-a-Soups Chocolate and Sweets Easter Eggs Long Life Fruit Juice Baby Food: Jars and Packets Toiletries: Shampoo, Shower Gel etc Household Cleaning Materials: Washing Powder, Washing-Up Liquid etc Nappies: Larger Sizes. Thank You